Mark your calendars! The 2024 International Plasma Awareness Week (IPAW) will be held October 7-11.


International Plasma Awareness Week (IPAW) is held annually during the first week of October. A joint effort of PPTA and its member companies, IPAW was launched in 2013 to raise greater awareness about the importance of donating plasma. Many people living with life-threatening, chronic, and genetic diseases rely on plasma as a treatment; unlike traditional pharmaceuticals, the source material for most plasma protein therapies is human plasma.

Although the Association and all our members are grateful every day for each person who rolls up their sleeve to donate plasma and help save someone’s life, IPAW offers all of us a dedicated week to show our appreciation and to share the stories of dedicated donors. This year’s IPAW will be celebrated from October 7-11.

What is the purpose of IPAW?
Who is the target audience for IPAW?
How can you help?


There are numerous ways you can help promote plasma awareness and celebrate plasma donors. Visit to download print and digital materials to help raise awareness for plasma-derived medicines and recognize the generous plasma donors for helping to save lives around the world.



Event-related information:


For more information, please contact:

Ilana Ostrin
Head of Global Communications

Find a Donor Center
Plasma donors save lives everyday!
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The Power of Plasma Donation

This detailed video takes viewers through all of the steps a first-time plasma donor would experience during the process of donating lifesaving plasma.

givingplasma logo full

The need for plasma and plasma donors is more urgent than ever before. Visit to learn more and to find a donation center near you.

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